Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Starship Enterprise Versus Jedi Sando Aqua Monster

In the previous post, I mentioned Tussy and her Sando Aqua Jedi artwork found on Star Wars Artists' Guild (SWAG).  In this post, you will see an image of that exact same Sando Aqua Jedi that Tussy drew out of sheer affection for the abominable creatures.  This post will have Tussy's Sando Jedi up against a more formidable and very famous opponent in outer space, the Starship Enterprise from the glorious Star Trek!  In this scenario, the USS Enterprise will be assigned to protect Colo Claw Fish from that Jedi Sando Aqua Terrorist.  Scotty would get an all-day erection from the sight of a Colo Claw Fish's sexy eel-like body.  The Sando Aqua Jedi teases Scotty by calling the USS Enterpise a "junk bucket" just to piss him off.  The Sando Aqua Jedi senses that the Enterprise is Scotty's baby and that he takes care of that ship.  Scotty as usual when confronted with such insults directed at the Enterprise explodes and screams at the top of his lungs at the much larger Sando Aqua Monster.  James T Kirk too is very furious with the Sando Aqua Jedi and wants to defeat him.  The deluded leviathan thinks that is imaginary friend called the "Force" will actually protect him from his more powerful Star Trek opponent.  But as you will see, the Sando Aqua Terrorist will be in for the ultimate shock because of the simple fact of life that reality always wins.  Tussy, I am an atheist; meaning someone who is mentally healthy, and that is why I know that the Force is bollocks not unlike schizophrenia.  Tussy, I strongly recommend that you watch the Star Trek TOS episode "Who Mourns For Adonais".  The word "adonai" means things like god and anointed one.  There is no such thing as God or the Force, and belief in God or the Force for example is what I fondly refer to as "adonaiphrenia" since religion is basically organized schizophrenia.  Watch Dr Sapolsky's lecture on religion and check out Calpurnpiso's Philosophy for more information.  Gene Roddenberry was another great atheist who in "Who Mourns For Adonais" was calling all christophrenics and other adonaiphrenics the deluded nuts that they are!  This post will be calling adonaiphreni (including Christophrenia and the Force) deluded nuts in the guise of science fiction too.  Tussy, you are DELUDED NUTS for believing in the Force just like all of those Christophrena-infected imbeciles are for believing is ressurrected zombies that save with blood such as Zombie Jesus.
Starship Enterprise
Tussy's Asinine Fantasy: Jedi Sando Aqua Monster
The USS Enterprise operates in outer space while the Sando Aqua Jedi cannot even fly!  The USS Enterprise carries photon torpedoes and phaser banks, the Sando Jedi only has a large lightsaber that can block some shots (assuming that they move slower than bullets), which will obviously not be the case for realistic reasons.  The USS Enterprise uses Alcubierre Drive; commonly known as warp drive, and deflector shields as well.  The Sando Aqua Jedi would be helplessly outgunned, outmatched, and outperformed by the USS Enterprise.  The winner is obvious, the USS Enterprise wins, no contest.  The "Force" will not do the Sando Aqua Jedi any good against a fully equipped starship opponent since it is just hokey superstition. 

Starship Enterprise
Protects & Befriends
Colo Claw Fish

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