Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I should have done long ago back in 1999

I have just figured out that had I done what I should have done in 1999 following the release of Star Wars Episode I as early as late May that year, that I would have envisioned the Sandworms of Dune swallowing Sando Aqua Monsters as payback for torturing and eating Colo Claw Fish.  The reason why I did not do what I should have done regarding the Sando in 1999 was because I had my stuff rudely taken away in an effort to foist Star Wars onto me which is a long story that will not be discussed in this particular post.  However, I had some indecision on whether or not to proceed with Shai-Hulud swallowing Sando due the to possibility of Christophrenic messages in Dune.  So I weighed the pros and cons and found out that it was four to one in favor, hence this specific blog entry.  The Sandworms in Dune were another part of my childhood and my favorite part of that entire film was the clip featured in the video below.  I would much rather watch that Sandrider segment of Dune in which Paul Muad'dib rides a gigantic Sandworm that the TPM underwater scene in which a Sando Aqua Monster bites a Colo Claw Fish in half any day!
If a Sando Aqua Monster and an Arrakis Sandworm were to clash, the Sandworm would win for the following reasons.  First of all, Sando Aqua Monsters are 160-200 meters in total body length while Arakkis Sandworms can grow up to a whopping 450 meters in body length.  Plus Sandworms have a maw that is 80 meters wide, wide enough to swallow a Sando Aqua Monster.  Sandworms are attracted to loud thumping noises and if the Sando wee to walk on Arrakis, it would most certainly walk in rhythm and make loud thumping noises that would attract Shai-Hulud to get it the exact same way as that spice harvester from another segment of Dune.

I also should have used the Jupiter "Floaters" and "Hunters" from Carl Sagan's Cosmos against the Sando Aqua Monster, but did not since I had them taken away before TPM opened in theaters.  The Jovian floaters are vast living hot-air balloons envisioned to be kilometers across and vastly larger than any Sando Aqua Monster, beings the size of cities.  The hunters are smaller winged predators that feed on the floaters.  The floaters were featured in the conclusion of chapter/episode 2 of Cosmos called "One Voice In The Cosmic Fugue" and is one of my favorite parts in Cosmos.  Had I not had my floaters taken away, I would have mentally escaped from the TPM underwater scene to the Jupiter alien life caption in Cosmos definitely taking Colo Claw Fish with me.
Jupiter "Floaters" and "Hunters" (Cosmos)
Colo Claw Fish
Taking away Project Orion II from me in 1999 (especially from Sunday, March 21 until Sunday, August 8 that year) coupled with indecision on my part is at the very heart of the matter as to why I did not do what I am doing in this entry when I should have done it in 1999.
Colo Claw Fish (dorsal view)


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    1. I will remove any comments that you post so don't you dare comment her on my blogs agains or I will keep deletign you comments since you are a PEST!
