Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Clover Busts On Sando

One day in a massive bar for leviathans, Sando Aqua Menace had grabbed Colo Claw Fish and was planning to sadistically torture the poor eel before biting him in two and eating him for lunch.  Colo screamed in terror, "Help me!"  Sando laughed, "Lunch eel, nobody will save you now, your fate is so sealed and you are so doomed that it gives me intense arousal and excitement!  Haw haw ha ha ha he he he he!"   Then a voice roared, "Sando, what are you doing because whatever it is, I don't like it!"  Sando then turned and saw a larger behemoth approaching him from the direction the voice came.  Sando said, "Whoever you are, this is between me and my lunch eel, you stay out of it."  "If you are intent on picking on that poor Colo Claw in any way, shape, or form, then you have a serious problem with me" growled the mighty hero.  Sando asked in sheer shock, "Who are you?"  The heroic challenger answered in rage, "I am the Cloverfield leviathan,  and I have come to protect Colo Claw Fish from you Sando Aqua Menace!  Let that Colo go or else I will rip you apart!"  Sando rebelled against Clover's threat and warning and then attempted to flee carrying Colo with him but Clover was able to act too quickly.

Sando did not get very far before Clover grabbed his tail.  He struggled trying to escape but it was clear  that Clover would never let him escape. Sando tried very hard to free himself from Clover's grasp but his tail was getting tired.  Clover then pulled Sando closer and the reprobate let go of Colo Claw before ever harming him as a result.  Clover then held Sando by the neck in an attempt to teach him a lesson.

Sando said, "Cloverfield, let me go!  Thanks to you, my lunch eel got away unscathed.  I respond to the Force that I have with me at all times and your abilities to protect my lunch eel and to overpower me are nothing next to the power of the Force.  Biting Colo Eels in two and eating them for lunch is the will of the Force rather you like it or not!  Haw haw ha ha ha he he he he!"  Clover replied, "Sando Aqua Menace, there you go with open defiance and do not pull the "haw haw ha ha ha he he he he" laugh on me because I am fully capable of tearing you up and I have the upper hand, do you understand me?  And don't even get me started on that supposed  "Force" because it is a creation of SICK BRAINS and it clearly does not exist!  It totally infuriates me when you say that cruelty towards Colo Claw Fish is the will of the Force!  Don't make me destroy you!"  Sando defiantly said, "Wow just wow Cloverfield, you are really turning to the dark side with your threats of ripping me apart for carrying out the will of the force just because you don't like it!  I will rip my lunch eel in two rather you like it or not, haw haw ha ha ha he he he he!"  Clover screamed in a fit of rage, "I warned you and you are being defiant, you have sealed your own fate now and you are officially doomed!"  Clover ripped Sando apart and ate the Sando.

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